
As you wish

As our guests desired, we do prepare delicious steaks from the beef or the pork meat, tartar steak, traditional Slovakian dishes or a pikant indian meals. We offer our meat sausage, home made cheese and desserts.


Enjoy your holiday in our guesthouse. There are nice places for biking, rafting, paddleboarding, hiking, skiing, crosscountry skiing...


Pohostinství a ubytování
U Lípy
Stará Ves 97

Vysoké nad Jizerou
513 01

776088130 Petr Kazík
608560769 Michaela Kazíková

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

GPS: 50°40'34.350"N, 15°23'28.069"E

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